2019 - 24x36” Acrylic on canvas.
It’s great to escape from the world above
It’s being with the fish down below that I love
Or up in the sky in a hot air balloon
Soaring through the clouds like a dove
Anywhere but in my cramped little room
When I open a book, my mind can zoom.
With this book I travel deep below the waves
Where the shark attacks but the dolphin saves,
But, still, down below them both we go
Where it gets dark, but light, no fish craves
These fish may seem scary, but that isn’t so.
They even help me to read with their friendly glow.
I find that the scary fish are the nicest of all
It’s to avoid being hurt that they put up a wall.
At least that is what the books on my floor say.
I know they are lonely, so I tell them I’ll call
But I hear my mom calling, so I know I can’t stay.
I wonder where the next book will take me away?